The Horseman 110mm f/5.6 Super-Symmar XL Lens is a Schneider 110mm f/5.6 Super-Symmar XL with a standard Copal #1 shutter, but built into a Horseman-specific helical focusing mount and barrel assembly made to fit upon their SW617 Professional medium format panoramic camera. It provides a wide angle perspective on the 617 Professional that's roughly equivalent to the view of a 27mm lens in 35mm terms pleasantly wide, but not distorting the spatial relationships of objects in a scene. A built-in lens guard helps protect the sensitive optics.
The Schneider Super-Symmar XL 110 is an aspherical wide-field lens design which gives extremely high peak contrast and resolving power when stopped down to at least f/11. Its 80° of coverage and 186mm minimum image circle do permit use with the 617 Professional at the maximum aperture if needed, however. The 6 element/4 group aspherical has a 105° viewing angle and a 288mm peak image circle, allowing plenty of shift with the 617 Professional.
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