Generate advanced envelope shapes that synchronize to your master clock with the black 4ms Pingable Envelope Generator (PEG) Kit, a do-it-yourself Eurorack module that features a dual envelope generator whose envelope lengths are set by incoming clocks or pings. The PEG has full CV control of envelope shape, skew, and ping (clock) division/multiplication, as well as a plethora of triggering and cycling options (AD, AR, quantization, cycle), and a tap-tempo button for each channel.
Various combinations of exponential, linear, logarithmic, and interpolated curves are available for the rise and fall portions. Total envelope time is maintained throughout any curve selection, and you can skew knob and CV control of the ratio between rise and fall times without changing total envelope time. The Pingable Envelope Generator Kit includes all the components needed to complete the module as well as a black panel.
Full DIY Kit
- Includes all the parts necessary to build a full-featured PEG
- Advanced-Level Kit: Soldering proficiency required
- Tools Needed (Not Included):
- Soldering iron, solder
- Flush snips
- Needlenose pliers (for removing a component if you make a mistake)
- 5/16" and 3/8 socket driver (optional: pliers will work too if you re careful)
- Multimeter (for reading resistor values if you don t know the resistor color-code chart)
Pingable Envelope Generator (PEG) Basics
- Dual pingable envelope generator s total envelope time is set by a ping
- Tap-tempo button or incoming clock sets the ping time
- Envelope time is a multiple or division of the ping time (from à · 8 to x8) set by Ping Div/Mult knob and CV
- Curve knob and CV control the shape of the output envelope. Various combinations of exponential, linear, logarithmic, and interpolated curves are available for the rise and fall portions. Total envelope time is maintained throughout any curve selection.
- Skew knob and CV control the ratio between rise and fall times without changing total envelope time
- Scale knob is an attenuating inverter for main envelope output (Maximum 0V to +10V noninverted, and Minimum -10V to 0V inverted).
- Bi-polar button centers main envelope output around 0V (-5V to +5V output)
- +5V ENV jack is a nonscaling output that always produces a 0V to +5V envelope, regardless of Scale and Bi-polar settings
- Or jack outputs an analog Or of the two scaled envelope curves. This outputs the highest value from either envelope at any given moment, taking into account the Scale and Bi-Polar controls
Gate Outputs
- End-of-Rise (EOR) gate output goes high when envelope finishes a rise portion, and goes low when envelope begins a rise portion
- End-of-Fall (EOF) gate output goes high when envelope finishes a fall portion, and goes low when envelope begins a fall portion
- Jumper for each channel changes EOR output to a Half-Rise gate output. The Half-Rise jack goes high when 50% of the time of the rise portion has elapsed, and goes low after 50% of the time of the fall portion. Using the Skew parameter, this jack provides a variable phase gate output useful for quadrature effects and clock phase shifting and trigger delay effects. Factory setting is EOR for red channel, Half-Rise for blue channel.
- Cycle button for each channel forces envelope to self-cycle in sync with the ping clock (LFO mode). Button lights up when in cycle mode.
- T jack toggles the state of both channels Cycle buttons when a gate is applied.
- QNT jack for each channel triggers an envelope to start at the next quantized beat, with respect to the divided/multiplied ping clock. Holding a gate high on this jack causes the envelope to repeat.
- Async jack for each channel causes an envelope to output immediately (individually). Holding a gate high results in an AR envelope (rise-sustain-fall). If Cycle mode is enabled, the envelope will continue to cycle at this new phase with respect to the Ping clock. Phase can be reset to being in sync with the Ping clock by pressing the Cycle button or applying a pulse to the QNT jack.
CV Input Jacks
- CV control of Ping Div/Mult, Skew, and Curve using the CV jacks. Respective knobs set the center offset for the applied CV
- CV of 0 to 10V will modulate the parameter s full range. However, a 0 to 5V CV will modulate the parameter within a very useful range.
System Mode
- Special mode to change advanced parameters
- Reassign the Half-Rise jack to EOR (and vice-versa)
- Reassign the EOF jack to Tap Tempo Clock output
- Select Gate or Trigger output from EOR / EOF / Half-R jacks
- Requires a continuous external ping clock (unit will not free-run if external ping clock stops)
- Enable/disable skew limiting that keeps fastest rise/fall times at 6 ms
Eurorack Ready
- 20 HP Eurorack format module
- Maximum Depth: 1.6" (40mm)
- Includes power ribbon cable with 16-pin Eurorack power header
- Power consumption: +12V: 105mA, -12V: 35mA
Key Specs
Horizontal Pitch | 20 HP |
In the Box
- 4ms Pingable Envelope Generator Eurorack Module DIY Kit (Black, 20 HP)
- Full Kit Components
- Eurorack Ribbon Power Cable
- Set of Mounting Screws
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